
A Seamless Education from Primary and Secondary Education at Wycherley International School

The word ‘seamless’ suggests that what was once regarded to be separate parts of education (e.g. in-class, out-of-class, academic and non-academic; curricular and co-curricular experiences) are now bound together to appear as a whole. In seamless learning environments, students are encouraged to take advantage of learning resources that exist both inside and outside the classroom. Furthermore, students are asked to use their life experiences to make meaning out of material introduced in class.

At Wycherley, this concept has been established from the onset even with the use of limited resources available during the time. It was further enriched when the Cambridge curriculum was implemented in the Primary and Secondary grades in addition to the existing Ordinary Level and Advanced Level Syllabi.

Students at Wycherley are availed of several non-academic and co-curricular activities alongside mainstream pedagogy to provide them with a comprehensive education that would enable them to develop as complete individuals ready to face global demands. The inclusion of aesthetic subjects such as Music, Art, Dancing in the curricula allows pupils to explore their inner talents while also acting as a much-needed break from the routine activities of the classroom, thus empowering them to achieve a higher level of mental fitness to overcome challenges. Correspondingly, students have the opportunity to showcase their special abilities in several religious and cultural programmes organised at school.

Moreover, Physical Education too is given prominence as an integral part of the program of study at Wycherley. A range of sports activities are offered to the students during and after school hours, and if one wants to develop the skills further the prospect is obtainable with the assistance of trained and qualified coaches and trainers. Students are encouraged to participate in inter-house, inter-school and national competitions in order to cultivate discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills which can be used in the classroom as well when engaged in group work, as teams or as a whole class at exhibitions, debates and various other occasions.

Alongside all this, the introduction of Cambridge ICT Starters as a subject in the Primary and Secondary grades has opened the doors to students to the advanced world of technology – a much-needed cognition in the present day. ‘The world at your fingertips has become synonymous with the quest for expertise while allowing students to explore their creative and imaginative skills.

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